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December 12, 2016by Rana

6 Tips And Considerations For Purchasing Commercial Refrigeration

Commercial Freezer Problems

Any commercial kitchen anywhere needs high quality refrigeration.  Whether you are looking to have a refrigerator installed in your office, hotel, café or restaurant, you need to choose wisely.  Fridges are expected to work all day, every day, all year.  Therefore, when shopping for a commercial refrigerator, you need to keep in mind the following important suggestions so that you pick the right one for your circumstances.

Where Will It Be Installed?

Do you know where you want to have your fridge installed?  Have you measured the area and found a fridge that will fit safely and practically into that area?  If you haven’t, you should recheck your measurements.  If you are struggling with your measurements, you could contact who, if you live in London or the south east, are a commercial refrigeration installation company you should consider and will be more than happy to help ensure you measure the space for your fridge correctly.

Think About The Specifics You Need

When you are looking to buy refrigeration for your commercial kitchen, you should do it with at least some idea of what you are looking for specifically.  For instance, do you need a stainless steel fridge or something that can be stored under a preparation counter-top?  It can be difficult looking for a fridge because of the sheer choice out there, which is why it is important you have an idea of what you need.  Ask your chefs as they are more likely to know and additionally, ask the suppliers or a company like

Factor In The Amount Of Storage Space You Need

You need to also ask yourself how much storage space you need and how much storage space you actually have room for in your kitchens.  Will you be storing lots of meat and keeping it cold or will are you only planning to use the fridge for beverages?  If you want to store a lot of food, but want to save as much space as possible, you should opt for a pass-through fridge.  Whereas, if you need to keep preparation food and ingredients cold, choose a worktop, sandwich prep table or pizza prep table with a fridge underneath.  Ultimately, you need to choose the fridge that best matches your particular business needs.

Know Your Budget

Always have a clear budget in mind when you start looking for fridges.  If it is particularly tight and you are trying to save as much as possible, you may be inclined to opt for a lesser known brand.  However, this presents its own problems as lesser known brands are generally less reliable.  Even if it means spending more money initially than you intended, it may be in your best interest then, to pat for a fridge manufactured by a more reliable and trustworthy brand.

Shelving Position

You need to also carefully consider the fridge shelving and whether you want it to be removable or want it to be fixed.  Height-adjustable shelving can be very convenient, but it really depends on what you are planning to store.

Energy Rating

Although we have placed energy rating and energy consumption as the final factor to take into consideration, it is by no means the least important.  As your fridge will be running 24 hours a day for 365 days a year every year, it will be using a whole lot of energy.  While looking for the most energy efficient model that falls within your budget, you also need to think of ways to conserve energy and reduce your energy bills.  If you need any advice regarding this subject, please don’t hesitate to ask

