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August 8, 2018by Rana

Is It A Good Idea To Use Your Air Conditioning Unit During Autumn and Winter?

Air Conditioning Maintenance

Generally speaking, air conditioning units are used by most people during the heat of the summer, as you probably can attest to with the scorching heat waves much of the country has experienced at some point over the last couple of months. Does that mean it can never be used during the autumn or winter? As unlikely as it may feel right this moment, it is worth finding answers to these kinds of questions as the end of summer draws ever closer and the start of autumn and then winter approaches.

In the following post, that is what we hope to shed some light on for you.

Costs and Heating

As noted at the outset of this post, air conditioning is normally associated with circulating cool and fresh air on hot summer days to provide relief from the heat. However, you may be surprised to learn that they can also be used to heat rooms up, and what’s more, very fast and efficiently. While that beautiful fireplace might give your property the rustic charm and character you love, a high quality and well-maintained air conditioner can provide adequate heating for even a large room in less time than it takes to fetch logs and get a fire going.

What about your central heating system, surely that is better? Wrong again, in stark contrast, a good quality air conditioner uses less energy than the average central heating system, making them a much more cost-effective method for heating your home.

Better Ventilation

Besides the main benefits they provide for cooling and heating your property, air conditioners can also be helpful for improving the level of ventilation you have in your house. Thanks to their in-built ventilation, air conditioners take existing air and process it before releasing it back into the atmosphere purified therefore, the air you breathe when you have your air conditioner operational will be cleaner and fresher. This is especially beneficial to allergy suffers such as asthmatics.

Ideal For Allergy Sufferers

So as well as ensuring that your house is warm enough at night, when the temperatures drop, an air conditioner helps to keep the air you breathe in your home is fresh and clean. This not only helps to keep you comfortable during the harshest points of autumn and winter, but also helps to keep you in relatively good health during that period of time too.

The Choice Is Yours

As summer continues to roll along, the closer autumn and then winter gets, the sooner you will have to make a decision about how you are going to provide your home with the heat it needs. Are you going to rely solely on your central heating system and suffer the sting every month due to the costs or are you going to consider using an air conditioner?

If you do not have one or need to repair or replace your current air conditioning system, there is no better time than right now. Not only will you benefit from what remains of our glorious British summer time, but you will also be able to plan ahead for autumn.

Speak To The London-based Air Conditioning Experts

Either way, if you are in the Wembley or wider London area and looking for a reputable air conditioning installation expert, you should contact As well as having the expertise and experience, they also have wonderfully friendly staff who will be only too happy to help you make the right air conditioning decisions for your property and household.
